The phase-out of caged eggs causes an egg shortage in New Zealand Stores.

January 2, 2023

Eggs are currently unavailable at some countdown stores around the country, and Foodstuffs has responded to the scarcity by imposing a temporary ban on egg purchases. As caged eggs are being phased out, the retailers claim that there is a shortage of eggs.

According to Foodstuffs, demand for eggs at this time of year is at an all-time high, which has contributed to supply concerns. When the government announced laws in 2012 to phase out caged eggs by 2023, it was projected that the phase-out would result in a temporary decline in total supply. The New Zealand Egg Producers Federation has been approached for comment. Foodstuff claimed the effort to phase out cage eggs was a huge step for the egg supply industry.

The countdown has posted posters in several of its stores advising customers of low egg availability. To help with the transition and to ensure consumers get a fair shake when they buy, some Foodstuffs stores have placed temporary limits on eggs. We’ll be working with the egg industry to extend our offer in the colony, barn, and free-range eggs as we phase out caged eggs from our stores, and we’re dedicated to working collaboratively with the government and New Zealand egg suppliers to meet our aim of becoming entirely cage-free by 2027, said Emma Wooster, the Foodstuffs spokesperson.

Countdown stated that stock shortages were affecting more than just its outlets. We are currently witnessing a lower supply of eggs due to the problems our egg producers have faced in recent years, as well as the effects of forthcoming legislative changes on their businesses, a representative for the chain retailer stated. We have direct relationships with our egg farmers, and we appreciate our consumers’ patience as we work with farmers to get more eggs on the shelf as soon as feasible.

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