New Global Food Standards for Protecting Consumer Health

November 30, 2023

In its 46th session, the Codex Alimentarius Commission, a joint initiative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), has adopted crucial food safety and quality standards aimed at protecting consumer health and ensuring fair practices in the global food trade.

Key Standards Adopted:

  1. Guidelines for the Control of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli (STEC):
    • Adopted on 27.11.2023
    • These guidelines target the control of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC), known foodborne pathogens associated with beef, dairy products, leafy vegetables, and sprouts.
    • Providing science-based advice, the guidelines offer practical guidance to risk managers and food business operators, aiding in the reduction of foodborne illnesses.
  2. Guidelines for the Safe Use and Reuse of Water in Food Production and Processing:
    • Adopted on 27.11.2023
    • Addressing the global challenge of water scarcity, these guidelines focus on the safe use and reuse of water in various stages of food production.
    • A risk-based approach is emphasized, enabling producers and processors to minimize and manage hazards associated with water, thereby ensuring the safety of food for consumers.
  3. Revisions to the Standard for Follow-up Formula (CXS 156-1986):
    • Adopted on 28.11.2023
    • Undergoing meticulous discussions, this standard’s title has been revised to “Standard for Follow-up Formula for Older Infants and Product for Young Children.”
    • The updated text ensures that follow-up formula supports the growth and development of older infants (6-12 months) in its first part, while the second part outlines requirements for drinks or products for young children (more than 12 months up to 3 years).
  4. General Standard for Food Additives: Inclusion of Trisodium Citrate in Fluid Milk:
    • Adopted on 28.11.2023
    • Trisodium citrate, a stabilizer in milk processing, particularly Ultra Heat Treated (UHT) bovine milk, has been subject to extensive discussion.
    • The adopted provision restricts its use, specifying a numerical level, thereby limiting its application to sterilized and UHT milk from bovine species.
  5. MRLs for Zilpaterol Hydrochloride (cattle kidney, liver, muscle):
    • Adopted on 28.11.2023
    • Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for zilpaterol hydrochloride in various animal origin products have been adopted.
    • The decision was informed by risk assessment work undertaken by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), with the understanding that Codex texts are voluntary, allowing countries the discretion to adopt MRLs into legislation.
  6. Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Mycotoxins Contamination in Cassava and Cassava-based Products:
    • Adopted on 28.11.2023
    • Recognizing the carcinogenic potential of mycotoxins, particularly aflatoxins and ochratoxin A in cassava, this code of practice provides comprehensive guidelines.
    • Aimed at governments, food businesses, growers, processors, and distributors, it offers knowledge and practices to detect, reduce, and prevent mycotoxin contamination, including examples of Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).
  7. Principles and Guidelines on the Use of Remote Audit and Inspection in Regulatory Frameworks:
    • Adopted on 29.11.2023
    • Recognizing the evolving landscape of technology, these guidelines provide a framework for the incorporation of remote audit and inspection techniques in regulatory frameworks.
    • The document outlines seven principles and offers guidance on planning and implementation, ensuring effective oversight by national competent authorities in National Food Control Systems.
  8. Revisions to General Guidelines on Sampling (CXG 50-2004):
    • Adopted on 29.11.2023
    • Addressing the crucial aspect of sampling plans in various contexts such as product acceptance, import/export, and regulatory inspections, these guidelines provide guidance.
    • The revision aligns with current scientific and statistical approaches, aiding in the development and evaluation of sampling plans used to verify compliance with Codex standards.
  9. Revision of Classification of Food and Feed (CXA 4-1989):
    • Adopted on 29.11.2023
    • This revision ensures uniform nomenclature and classification of foods for establishing maximum residue limits (MRLs) for pesticides.
    • The comprehensive update includes the revision of Class B and E, covering primary food commodities of animal origin and processed foods of animal origin, respectively, facilitating the establishment of MRLs for broader commodity groups in international trade.

These newly adopted standards mark a significant stride towards global harmonization in food safety, reflecting the Codex Alimentarius Commission’s commitment to fostering a secure and equitable global food trade environment.


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