Pizza John’s 156000 pounds pepperoni pizza recall

August 31, 2022 United States of America

Pizza John’s 156000 pounds pepperoni pizza recall

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has just notified Pizza John’s third pizza recall in recent weeks after learning the manufacturer created the products at a facility that was not subject to a federal inspection.

Due to Pizza John’s absence of federal inspection, the items lack the USDA mark of inspection. The pepperoni pizzas were made and distributed by Pizza John’s between March 2020 and July 28th, 2022.

The company has recalled 156,498 pounds of pepperoni pizza, making John’s recall the biggest of these three.

Pizza John's recall: Photo showing the label and packaging for pepperoni pizzas that are being recalled.

A recall has been issued for the following pepperoni pizza products:

  • Pizza John’s Bake at Home 12 Inch Pepperoni Pizza 33.25-oz. clear plastic wrapped packaging with UPC 9589334921.


  • Pizza John’s Bake at Home 16 Inch Pepperoni Pizza” in 57-oz. translucent plastic wrapped containers with UPC 958939019.


The business offered pizza items in Maryland. According to the recall statement,

the FSIS found the issue while conducting standard surveillance. Because Pizza John’s produced the goods at a location that the USDA had not inspected, the agency ruled that the products were counterfeit.

What do you need to do?

According to the FSIS, there have been no reports of sickness among consumers of the recalled Pizza John’s products.

However, the organization recommends clients speak with their doctors if they have medical concerns.

In addition, the FSIS advises individuals not to consume Pizza John’s products if they still have frozen pizzas.

Instead, customers should discard the goods or return them to the store where they were bought to receive a full refund. Foods produced at facilities that haven’t undergone proper inspections should be avoided.

Additionally, you should look into the recent pizza and sub recalls from Ready Dough and Danny’s Sub and Pizza. Both of them involve goods coming from businesses without a federal inspection.


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