Nestlé, a leading infant formula producer, has issued a global recall of its EXPERT PRO HA 1 product in multiple countries due to the potential presence of Cronobacter sakazakii. The recall spans various batch numbers, with affected countries including Germany, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Sweden.
Specifics of the Recall: The impacted product, EXPERT PRO HA 1, exhibits different batch numbers depending on the country of distribution. Notably, the recall involves the Danish version NAN EXPERTPRO HA 1 800-grams with article number 12489069, batch number 33120742C2, and an expiration date of 11.2025, sold between Nov. 29 and Dec. 13, 2023, in Denmark. In Norway, the recall pertains to 90 units distributed to pharmacies with article number 12468459, batch number 33120742C1, and a best-before date of 11.2025, between Dec. 7 and 12, 2023.
Nestlé emphasizes that the recall is a precautionary measure aligned with their stringent product quality and safety protocols. No instances of Cronobacter sakazakii have been detected in the distributed products, and there are no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of the infant formula.
Cronobacter sakazakii and Risks: Cronobacter sakazakii is a pathogenic bacteria known to pose risks, especially to infants under two months old, premature infants, those with weakened immune systems, or low birth weight. The bacteria, naturally occurring in the environment, can survive in low-moisture, dry foods like powdered infant formula.
Symptoms and Action Steps: Parents or caregivers suspecting any illness or discomfort related to the recalled product are advised to consult a pediatrician and mention the recall. Symptoms in infants may include poor feeding, irritability, temperature changes, jaundice, grunting breaths, or abnormal body movements.